Prof. Dr. Jörg Zinken

© Jörg Zinken
Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache
- Standort Augustacarree -
Augustaanlage 32
D-68165 Mannheim
Büro: AC/03
E-Mail: zinken(at)
Tel.: +49 621 / 1581 – 475
Fax: +49 621 / 1581 – 200
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in der Abteilung "Pragmatik"
Apl. Professor an der Universität Heidelberg
Projektleitung Sprachvergleichende Pragmatik, "Normen, Regeln und Moral im alltäglichen Leben (NoRM-aL)"
Zur Person:
- 2018 Habilitation an der Universität Hamburg
- Seit 2014 Mitarbeiter am Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache
- 2013 Reader in Language and Communication, Department of Psychology, University of Portsmouth
- 2003 Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology, University of Portsmouth
- 2002 Promotion in Allgemeiner Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Bielefeld (gefördert von der Robert-Bosch-Stiftung und der GFPS e.V.)
- Ethische und normative Aspekte sozialer Interaktion
- Soziale Interaktion in sprachvergleichender Perspektive
- Situierte Analyse modaler Bedeutungen (Erlaubnis, Möglichkeit, Notwendigkeit)
- Handlungskategorien und -kontinua
Aktuelle Publikationen:
- Küttner, U.-A., Kornfeld, L., & Zinken, J. (2023). A coding scheme for (dis)approval-relevant events involving the social sanctioning of problematic behavior. Mannheim: IDS-Verlag.
- Kornfeld, L., Küttner, U.-A., & Zinken, J. (2023). Ein Korpus für die vergleichende Interaktionsforschung. In A. Deppermann, C. Fandrych, M. Kupietz, & T. Schmidt (Hrsg.), Korpora in der germanistischen Sprachwissenschaft (S. 103–128). De Gruyter.
- Rossi, G., Dingemanse, M., Floyd, S., Baranova, J., Blythe, J, Kendrick, K., Zinken, J., & Enfield, N. (2023). Shared cross-cultural principles underlie human prosocial behavior at the smallest scale. Scientific Reports, 13(6057), 1-14.
- Küttner, U.-A., Vatanen, A., & Zinken, J. (2022). Invoking Rules in Everyday Family Interactions: A Method for Appealing to Practical Reason. Human Studies, 45, 793-823.
- Zinken, J. & Küttner, U.-A. (2022). Offering an Interpretation of Prior Talk in Everyday Interaction: A Semantic Map Approach. Discourse Processes, 59(4), pp. 298-325. DOI:
- Zinken, J. & Kaiser, J. (2020). Formulating other minds in social interaction: Accountability and courses of action. Language in Society, First View, pp. 1-26 DOI:
- Zinken, J. (2020). The Comparative Study of Social Action: What You Must and What You Can Do to Align with a Prior Speaker. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 53(4), pp. 443-462.
- Zinken, J. (2020). Recruiting assistance and collaboration in Polish. In S. Floyd, Simeon, G. Rossi & N. J. Enfield (Eds.), Getting others to do things. A pragmatic typology of recruitments (pp. 281-324). Berlin: Language Science Press (Studies in Diversity Linguistics 31) DOI:
- Zinken, J., Rossi, G., Reddy, V. (2020). Doing more than expected. Thanking recognizes another’s agency in providing assistance. In C. Taleghani-Nikazm, E. Betz & P. Golato (Eds.), Mobilizing Others. Grammar and lexis within larger activities. (= Studies in language and social interaction 33) (pp. 253-278). Amsterdam / Philadelphia: Benjamins.
- Zinken, J. & Costall, A. (2019). Diversity and Invariance in Human Social Action. Karl Duncker's “Situational Meanings” and the Schema of Linguistic Relativism. Paradigmi, 37(3), 491-506.
- Helmer, H. & Zinken, J. (2019). Das Heißt ("That Means") for Formulations and Du Meinst ("You Mean") for Repair? Interpretations of Prior Speakers' Turns in German. Research on Language and Social Interaction 52(2): 159-176.
- Floyd, S., Rossi, G., Baranova, J., Blythe, J., Dingemanse, M., Kendrick, K. H., Zinken, J., & Enfield, N. J. (2018). Universals and cultural diversity in the expression of gratitude. Royal Society Open Science, 5: 180391. PDF
- Zinken, J. & Deppermann, A. (2017). A cline of visible commitment in the situated design of imperative turns. Evidence from German and Polish. In M.-L. Sorjonen, L. Raevaara, & E. Couper-Kuhlen (Eds.), 'Imperative Turns at Talk. The design of directives in action' (pp. 27-63). Amsterdam, NJ: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Rossi, G. & Zinken, J. (2016). Grammar and social agency. The pragmatics of impersonal deontic statements. Language, 92(4), e296-e325.
- Zinken, J. (2016). Requesting responsibility. The morality of grammar in Polish and English family interaction. New York: Oxford University Press. [Review in LinguistList; Review in Ethnolinguistics] [Flyer]
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