Deppermann, Arnulf / Günthner, Susanne (eds.) (2015): Temporality in Interaction. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Time is a constitutive element of everyday interaction: all verbal interaction is produced and interpreted in time. However, it is only recently that research in linguistics has started to take the temporality of linguistic production and reception in interaction into account by studying the real-time and on-line dimension of spoken language.
This volume is the first systematic collection of studies exploring temporality in interaction and its theoretical foundations. It brings together researchers focusing on how temporality impinges on the production and interpretation of linguistic structures in interaction and how linguistic resources are designed to deal with the exigencies and potentials of temporality in interaction. The volume provides new insights into the temporal design of a range of heretofore unexplored linguistic phenomena from various languages as well as into the temporal aspects of linguistic structures in embodied interaction.
- Deppermann, Arnulf / Günthner, Susanne (2015): “Introduction: Temporality in interaction”. In: Deppermann, Arnulf / Günthner, Susanne (eds.): Temporality in Interaction. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 1-23.
The authors establish a phenomenological perspective on the temporal constitution of experience and action. Retrospection and projection (i.e. backward as well as forward orientation of everyday action), sequentiality and the sequential organization of activities as well as simultaneity (i.e. participants’ simultaneous coordination) are introduced as key concepts of a temporalized approach to interaction. These concepts are used to capture that every action is produced as an inter-linked step in the succession of adjacent actions, being sensitive to the precise moment where it is produced. The adoption of a holistic, multimodal and praxeological perspective additionally shows that action in interaction is organized according to several temporal orders simultaneously in operation. Each multimodal resource used in interaction has its own temporal properties.
- Deppermann, Arnulf (2015): „Retrospection and understanding in interaction”. In: Deppermann, Arnulf / Günthner, Susanne (eds.): Temporality in Interaction. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 57-94.
This paper shows how understanding in interaction is informed by temporality, and in particular, by the workings of retrospection. Understanding is a temporally extended, sequentially organized process. Temporality, namely, the sequential relationship of turn positions, equips participants with default mechanisms to display understandings and to expect such displays. These mechanisms require local management of turn-taking to be in order, i.e., the possibility and the expectation to respond locally and reciprocally to prior turns at talk. Sequential positions of turns in interaction provide an infrastructure for displaying understanding and accomplishing intersubjectivity. Linguistic practices specialized in displaying particular kinds of (not) understanding are adapted to the individual sequential positions with respect to an action-to-be-understood.