- Helmer, Henrike (2017): Analepsen mit Topik-Drop. Zur Notwendigkeit einer diskurssemantischen Perspektive. In: Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik 45(1), 1-39.
Neuer Artikel von Henrike Helmer zu "Analepsen mit Topik-Drop"
Abstract: Analepses with topic-drop are frequent structures in German interaction. While hitherto the focus on analepses was a rather syntactic one, this paper deals with analeptic structures from a semantic perspective. It particularly concentrates on the semantic relations between the referents of the analepses and the prior interactional context. This analysis shows that even for rather simple analepses which just omit a constituent from the prior utterance, conceptual processes are more decisive for its interpretation than syntactic features of the antecedent constituents. This is even more the case for complex analepses that are only indirectly linked to the prior context, and for the interpretation of which hearers need to draw inferences. The paper argues that theoretical approaches like Conversation Analysis and Interactional Linguistics can profit from adopting a semantic and conceptual perspective for the interpretation of interactional structures.