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Aufsätze von Arnulf Deppermann und Axel Schmidt zu „Partnerorientierung zwischen Realität und Imagination“ (ZGL) sowie von Henrike Helmer, Silke Reineke und Arnulf Deppermann zu "ICH WEIß NICHT as a resource for dispreferred actions“ (JoP)

  • Deppermann, Arnulf / Schmidt, Axel (2016): Partnerorientierung zwischen Realität und Imagination: Anmerkungen zu einem zentralen Konzept der Dialogtheorie. In: Zeitschrift für Germanistische Linguistik 44 (3), S. 369-405. PDF

    Auszug aus dem Abstract: This paper attempts a critique of the notion of ‘dialogue’ in dialogue theory as espoused by Linell, Markova, and others building on Bakhtin’s writings. According to them, human communication, culture, language, and even cognition are dialogical in nature. This implies that these domains work by principles of other-orientation and interaction.

    In our paper, we reject accepting other-orientation as an a priori condition of every semiotic action. Instead, we claim that in order to be an empirically useful concept for the social sciences, it must be shown if and how observable action is other-oriented. This leads us to the following questions: how can we methodically account for other-orientation of semiotic action? Does other-orientation always imply interaction? Is every human expression oriented towards others? How does the other, as s/he is represented in semiotic action, relate to the properties which the other can be seen to exhibit as indexed by their observable behavior?


  • Helmer, Henrike / Reineke, Silke / Deppermann, Arnulf (2016): A range of uses of negative epistemic constructions in German: ICH WEIß NICHT as a resource for dispreferred actions. In: Journal of Pragmatics 106, S. 97-114.

    Unter dem Link kann bis zum 31.01.2017 eine Kopie des Artikels heruntergeladen werden.

    Der Artikel ist in einer Special Issue des Journal of Pragmatics zu “Grammar and negative epistemics in talk-in-interaction: Cross-linguistic studies“ (Guest Editors: Jan Lindström, Yael Maschler und Simona Pekarek Doehler) erschienen.

    Abstract: Our paper deals with the use of ICH WEIß NICHT (‘I don’t know’) in German talk-in-interaction. Pursuing an Interactional Linguistics approach, we identify different interactional uses of ICH WEIß NICHT and discuss their relationship to variation in argument structure (SV(O), (O)VS, V-only). After ICH WEIß NICHT with full complementation, speakers emphasize their lack of knowledge or display reluctance to answer. In contrast, after variants without an object complement, in contrast, speakers display uncertainty about the truth of the following proposition or about its sufficiency as an answer. Thus, while uses with both subject and object tend to close a sequence or display lack of knowledge, responses without an object, in contrast, function as a prepositioned epistemic hedge or a pragmatic marker framing the following TCU. When ICH WEIß NICHT is used in response to a statement, it indexes disagreement (independently from all complementation patterns).