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Aufsätze von Jörg Zinken und Giovanni Rossi zu "Assistance and Other Forms of Cooperative Engagement" sowie von Stefan Kleiner und Simon Pröll zu Wortakzentwandel in Entlehnungen
Unter dem Link können die 50 ersten „Klicker“ eine Kopie herunterladen! In their analysis of methods that participants use to manage the realization of practical courses of action, Kendrick and Drew (2016/this issue) focus on cases of assistance, where the need to be addressed is Self’s, and Other lends a helping hand. In our commentary, we point to other forms of cooperative engagement that are ubiquitously recruited in interaction. Imperative requests characteristically expect compliance on the grounds of Other’s already established commitment to a wider and shared course of actions. Established commitments can also provide the engine behind recruitment sequences that proceed nonverbally. And forms of cooperative engagement that are well glossed as assistance can nevertheless be demonstrably oriented to established commitments. In sum, we find commitment to shared courses of action to be an important element in the design and progression of certain recruitment sequences, where the involvement of Other is best defined as contribution. The commentary highlights the importance of interdependent orientations in the organization of cooperation. Data are in German, Italian, and Polish.
  • Kleiner, Stefan / Pröll, Simon (2014): Wortakzentwandel in Entlehnungen. Eine Beispielstudie zum Nutzen von Tiefenanalysen und „unsauberen“ Korpora. In: Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik. Band LXXI, Heft 3. 2014. S. 257-273. Erschienen Ende Dezember 2015
By evaluating two corpora containing linguistic data on spoken standard language usage (with a total of 770 speakers), the current range of variation of lexical stress in loanwords will be analyzed. In doing so, the focus will be on the age and background of the speakers to be able to document processes of linguistic change and regionalisms. Regarding the phenomenon studied here, it becomes apparent that more detailed and multicausal separate analyses are required to interpret the results conclusively in spite of an overall trend that was at first convincing (and that would support the theoretical assumptions concerning the loanwordʼs age and the source language influencing the rate of assimilation). The results of the individual analyses contradict the assumed “overall trend”. One of the corpora was collected by experienced field workers, while the other was collected by students. By comparing both corpora, some light can be shed onto the question as to what extent “undirected” and less rigidly collected data can support or complement more extensive and costly research projects.