Prof. Dr. Thomas Spranz-Fogasy
©Helmut Petri
Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache
R 5, 6-13
D-68161 Mannheim
E-Mail: spranz(at)
- Co-opted member of the IDS (formerly research associate in the "Pragmatics" department)
- Adjunct Professor at the University of Mannheim
CV (short version):
- Studies in Germanistics, Philosophy, History at the University of Heidelberg (1975-1981)
- Doctorate at the University of Heidelberg (1981-1985)
- Postdoctoral grant of the German Research Council (DFG) (1985-1987)
- Fellowship in the Collaborative Research Centre 245 "Language and situation" (Sonderforschungsbereich 245 "Sprache und Situation" of the German Research Council (DFG)) (1988-1993)
- Habilitation grant of the German Research Council (DFG) (1993-1995)
- Habilitation at the University of Mannheim (1996)
- Researcher at the Institute for the German Language (IDS) (since 1996)
- Researcher in the sub-project "Hypothesis Building in Medical Care", which is part of the project "Professional Interaction" ("Professionelles Handeln in der Interaktion") (2011-2015)
- Researcher in the sub-project "Sequential and genre-specific Organization of Understanding", which is part of the project "Verbal and communicative Displays of Understanding in Talk-in-Interaction" (2006-2011)
- Project leader "Questioning Sequences in Coaching" (until 31.12.2024)
- Project leader "Linguistic Manifestations of Resistance in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy" (together with Arnulf Deppermann; until 30.9.2024)
- Co-initiator of the semi-annual "Working Group Applied Discourse Analysis" (Arbeitskreis angewandte Gesprächsforschung (AAG) (1987)
- Former Co-organizer of the Annual Research Meeting on Conversation and Discourse Analysis in Germany (Arbeitstagung zur Gesprächsforschung) (from 2003 to 2020)
- Co-organizer of the “International Conference on Conversation Analysis (ICCA10)“ at Mannheim in 2010
- Co-organizer of the “International Conference on Conversation Analysis and Psychotherapy 2024 (ICCAP24)” in Mannheim
- Former co-initiator and committee member of the “Society for the Promotion of Conversation and Discourse Analysis” in Germany (Gesprächsforschung e.V.)
- Project manager of the domain of knowledge "Medicine and Health-Care" in the Research Network "Language and Knowledge - Problems in public and professional Communication" (since 2005)
- Member of the DFG Research Network "Linguistics and Medicine" ("Linguistik und Medizin") (since 2017)
- Guest lectureships in Sarajevo, Seoul, Waterloo (CAN), Peking
Areas of Research:
Linguistic conversation analysis as basic and applied research in various fields: Counselling/therapy, medical and psychotherapeutic communication, coaching, mediation, family conflicts, environmental policy discussion, argumentation (publications), conversational rhetoric, communication of social leaders, interactive constitution of meaning, understanding in verbal interaction