Dr. Alexandra Gubina

Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache
R 5, 6-13, Büro 3.17

D-68161 Mannheim

E-Mail: gubina(at)ids-mannheim.de

Tel.: +49 621 / 1581 – 308
Fax: +49 621 / 1581 – 200


Post-Doc Research Associate at the Pragmatics Department



  • 2010-2014: B.A. program English and German Philology at the National University of Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • 2014-2017: M.A. program in German Studies in Cultural Comparison (linguistics) and English Linguistics at the University of Heidelberg, Germany
  • 2015-2019: Student assistant at the Leibniz Institute for the German Language (library, project "German at the workplace"; project "Multimodal interaction" at the Pragmatics Department)
  • 2018-2022: Doctoral studies at the Pragmatics Department / University of Mannheim; Project title: Linguistic resources of social actions in interaction (Primary advisor: Prof. Dr. Arnulf Deppermann; Co-advisor: Prof. Dr. Emma Betz)
  • Since 2020: Ph.D. student at the Pragmatics Department
  • 2020:"Dissertationsförderpreis" (Award for promising doctoral dissertation project) 2020 from the German Society for Discourse and Conversation Analysis Gesprächsforschung e.V.
  • 2020: Visiting researcher at the University of Waterloo, Canada (inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Emma Betz) and University of Colorado, Boulder, US (inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Barbara Fox)
  • 2021: Visiting researcher at the Aarhus University, Danemark (inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Jakob Steensig)
  • 11/2022–03/2023 Scientific staff member at the Institute for the German Philology at the University of Greifswald
  • 03/2023 Peter-Roschy-Prize of the Leibniz Institut for the German Language for the best dissertation
  • Member of the editorial board of the Encyclopedia of Terminology for CA and IL
  • since January 2024: Member of the editorial board of the online-journal Discourse and Conversation Analysis
  • since April 2024: Visiting professorship at the University of Münster.

Areas of research:

  • Conversation Analysis
  • Interactional Linguistics
  • Action formation and ascription
  • Social action formats in social interaction
  • Multimodality
  • Grammar and Body
  • Usabe-based (Construction) Grammar

Recent Publications:

  • Gubina, A., Deppermann, A., & Betz, E. (2024). Doing more than confirming: Expanded responses to requests for confirmation in German talk-in-interaction. Contrastive Pragmatics.
  • Gubina, A., Fox, B., & Raymond, C.W. (in press). What to do next: Comparing should I? and do you want me to? in joint activities in American English. In Selting, M., & Barth-Weingarten, D. (Eds..), New Perspectives in Interactional Linguistic Research. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
  • Deppermann, Arnulf / Gubina, Alexandra (in press): From first observations to the anatomy of a multimodal practice: Building and analyzing a collection of video-data. In: Robinson J.D., Clift R., Kendrick, K. & Raymond C.W. (Eds.), Handbook of Research Methods in Conversation Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Gubina, A., & Deppermann A. (2024). Rejecting inferred ascriptions of incompetence in German talk-in-interaction. Journal of Pragmatics (Special Issue “Pragmatic inference”).
  • Gubina, A., Hoey, E. M., & Raymond, C. W. (Eds.) (2023). Encyclopedia of Terminology for Conversation Analysis and Interactional Linguistics. International Society for Conversation Analysis (ISCA). URL: <https://emcawiki.net/Encyclopedia_of_Terminology_for_CA_and_IL>
  • Gubina, Alexandra (2022). Grammatik des Handelns in der sozialen Interaktion: Eine interaktionslinguistische, multimodale Untersuchung der Handlungskonstitution und ‐zuschreibung mit Modalverbformaten im gesprochenen Deutsch. Göttingen: Verlag für Gesprächsforschung.
  • Gubina, Alexandra (2021): Availability, Grammar, and Action Formation: On Simple and Modal Interrogative Request Formats in Spoken German. In: Gesprächsforschung - Online-Zeitschrift zur verbalen Interaktion. Special Issue "'How to get things done' - Aufforderungen und Instruktionen in der multimodalen Interaktion", edited by Oliver Ehmer, Henrike Helmer, Florence Oloff, Silke Reineke, pp. 272-303. PDF
  • Gubina, Alexandra / Betz, Emma (2021): What Do Newsmark-Type Responses Invite? The Response Space After German echt. In: Research on Language and Social Interaction, 54(4), S. 374-396.
  • Deppermann, Arnulf / Gubina, Alexandra (2021a): When the Body Belies the Words: Embodied Agency With darf/kann ich? (“May/Can I?”) in German. In: Frontiers in Communication 6, pp. 74. PDF
  • Deppermann, Arnulf / Gubina, Alexandra (2021b): Positionally-sensitive action-ascription: Uses of Kannst du X? ‘can you X?’in their sequential and multimodal context. In: Interactional Linguistics 1(2).
  • Gubina, Oleksandra (2020): How to get things done – Instruktionen und Aufforderungen in der Interaktion. Bericht über die Sektion Gesprächsforschung im Rahmen der GAL-Sektionentagung vom 18. bis 19. September 2019 an der Marin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. In: Gesprächsforschung – Online-Zeitschrift zur verbalen Interaktion 20, S. 178-185.


  • SoSe 2024: Lecture: Multimodal Interaction, University of Münster.
  • SoSe 2024: Course: Negation, University of Münster.
  • SoSe 2024: Course: Prosody, University of Münster. 
  • SoSe 2024: Course: Field research, University of Münster. 
  • WS 2022/23: Lecture: Fundamentals of Meaning Theories, University of Greifswald.
  • WS 2022/23: Undergraduate course: Fundamentals of Sociolinguistics, University of Greifswald.
  • WS 2022/23: Graduate course: Interaction in institutional contexts, University of Greifswald.
  • HWS 2022 Graduate course 'Classics of Linguistics', University of Mannheim (together with Prof. Dr. Arnulf Deppermann)
  • FSS 2022 Graduate course 'Introduction to Interactional Linguistics', University of Mannheim (together with Prof. Dr. Arnulf Deppermann)
  • HWS 2021 Undergraduate course 'Knoweldge in interaction', University of Mannheim. 
  • FSS 2021 Graduate course 'The body in social interaction', University of Mannheim (together with Prof. Dr. Arnulf Deppermann)
  • FSS 2020 Graduate course 'The language of actions', University of Mannheim (together with Prof. Dr. Arnulf Deppermann)
  • HWS 2019/20 Undergraduate course 'Grammar of spoken German', University of Mannheim (together with Dr. Henrike Helmer)
  • HWS 2018-HWS 2019 German as Foreign Language for ERASMUS students, University of Mannheim


  • 23-25/11/2023 Co-instructor of the workshop on 'Building a Collection' at the GAL Research School „Interactional research in context of methodological and technical innovation“ (together with Rebecca Clift)
  • 27/06/2023   Co-instructor of a one-day pre-conference workshop on Action formation and acription, International Conference on Conversation Analysis (ICCA23), Brisbane, Australien (together with Jörg Zinken)
  • 11/02/2022   Co-instructor of the workshop Grammar and Interaction. LANSI Advanced Studies Virtual Workshop (together with Barbara A. Fox)
  • 18-22/07/2022   Co-instructor of the workshop Response particles nein/nee in German interaction. Fundamentals Data Session. Summer Institute for Interactional Linguistics, IDS Mannheim (together with Emma Betz)
  • 18-22/07/2022   Co-organizer of International Summer Institute for Interactional Linguistics 2022  (together with Arnulf Deppermann; Emma Betz, Elwys De Stefani, Arnulf Deppermann, Barbara Fox, Chase Raymond, and Jörg Zinken)

Conference presentations, workshops and invited talks:

  • 22/03/2024 (together with Arnulf Deppermann): Probleme und Möglichkeiten der Kodierung von Handlungen in der Interaktion [Problems and possibilities of action coding in social interaction]. Talk at the Arbeitstagung zur Gesprächsforschung 2024, Jena.
  • 06/03/2024 (together with Arnulf Deppermann): Fragetypen und Frageformate im gesprochenen Deutsch [Question types and question formats in spoken German]. Talk presented at the 60. Jahrestagung of the Leibniz Institute for the German Language, "Spoken German: Strukture, Variation, Interaction", Mannheim.
  • 07/11/2023 (together with Emma Betz): Epistemics and embodiment: On functions of one-sided vs. two-sided shoulder lifts in managing knowledge in talk-in-interaction. Talk presented at the conference „Knowledge in talk-in-interaction“ (KNOWINT 2023), Lausanne, Schweiz.
  • 12/10/2023 (together with Alexandra Groß): Disaffirming particles in German conversation: Nö/Nee in response to yes/no-initiating actions. Meeting of the scientific network Interactional Linguistics, Osnabrück.
  • 21/7/2023  (together with Emma Betz, Carmen Taleghani-Nikazm und Reihaneh Afshari Saleh): Treating something as remarkable: Prosodically marked ‘no’-turns in German and Persian. ICLC 2023, Mannheim.
  • 01/07/2023   (together with Emma Betz): Marking something as news(worthy): Prosodically marked ‘no’ in German. Talk presented at the International Conference on Conversation Analysis (ICCA23), Brisbane, Australien.
  • 30/06/2023   (together with Arnulf Deppermann): Interactional histories and person reference: Changes over the course of a psychotherapy. Talk presented at the International Conference on Conversation Analysis (ICCA23), Brisbane, Australien.
  • 29/06/2023   (together with Arnulf Deppermann): On the temporal relationship between verbal and embodied resources: Speakers’ announcements of what they will/must/can do next. Talk presented at the International Conference on Conversation Analysis (ICCA23), Brisbane, Australien.
  • 03/11/2022   On ambiguity of action categorization in 'Ich kann VP' (‘I can VP’) and 'Ich VP' (‘I [will] VP’) in spoken German. Talk at the conference ‚Digital Meeting for Conversation Analysis‘, online.
  • 4/10/2022   (together with Arnulf Deppermann): Die Grammatik der Aufforderung im Deutschen in praktischen Handlungskontexten [The grammar of requests in German in practical action settings]. Invited talk at the series of talks ‚Sprache-Leib-Interaktion‘, IDS Mannheim.
  • 23/09/2022   (together with Barbara Fox): Declaratives of trouble as a window onto requests: or, the challenges and joys of starting with form. Invited talk at the CUSO ‘Requests in social interaction’, September 22-24, 2022, Leysin (Schwitzerland).
  • 21/09/2022   (together with Arnulf Deppermann, Katharina König, Martin Pfeiffer): Request for confirmation sequences in Standard German. Invited talk at the 5th meeting of the DFG network ‘Interactional Linguistics’, September 21-23, 2022, Potsdam, Germany.
  • 15/09/2022   (together with Arnulf Deppermann): Simultaneity of verbal and embodied resources in action formation and ascription. Invited talk at the Workshop ‘The complex temporality and sequentiality of multimodal interaction’, IDS Mannheim.
  • 18/08/2022   Requests in spoken German. Invited talk at the Workshop ‘From Action to Grammar’, Aarhus University, August 18-19, 2022 (online).
  • 03/08/2022   (together with Arnulf Deppermann): Coding actions in social interaction: Potentials and problems. Invited talk at the Workshop on Coding in Conversation analysis, IDS Mannheim.
  • 26/07/2022   (together with Arnulf Deppermann, Barbara A. Fox, Chase W. Raymond, Sandra Thompson): CA without the next-turn proof-procedure? How to deal with first actions that do not get a response. Invited talk at the Symposium on Action Formation and Action Ascription, IDS Mannheim.
  • 20/07/2022   (together with Arnulf Deppermann): Building and analyzing a collection of video-data in Interactional Linguistics. Invited talk at the Summer Institute for Interactional Linguistics, IDS Mannheim.
  • 18/07/2022 - 22/07/2022   (together with Emma Betz): Response particles nein/nee in German interaction. Fundamentals Data Session. Instructor and co-organizer at the Summer Institute for Interactional Linguistics, IDS Mannheim. 
  • 11/02/2022   (together with Barbara A. Fox): Grammar and Interaction. Instructor at the LANSI Advanced Studies Virtual Workshop. 
  • 09/08/2021   (together with Arnulf Deppermann): Action formation of requests in German: Interactional and pragmatic factors affecting the choice of linguistic formats. Talk presented at the ASA Annual Meeting 2021 (online). 
  • 19/07/2021   (together with Arnulf Deppermann, Barbara Fox, Chase Whesley Raymond, Sandra Thompson): “fallin apart that stupid cookie”: Declaratives of trouble as an interactional resource for managing agency and responsibility. Invited talk in the Series of Talks on action formation and ascription, IDS Mannheim (online). 
  • 29/06/2021   (together with Arnulf Deppermann und Emma Betz): Beyond confirmation: Continuations, topic elaborations, and accounts in response to requests for confirmation. Talk presented at the 17th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA), Winterthur, Schweiz (online).
  • 29/06/2021   (together with Florence Oloff, Arnulf Deppermann, Sonja Gipper, Xiaoting Li, Yael Maschler, Yotam Ben Moshe, Martin Pfeiffer): Confirming multimodally: the role of head nods and facial expressions in responses to requests for confirmation. Talk presented at the 17th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA), Winterthur, Schweiz (online).
  • 07/06/2021   Zur Multifunktionalität von social action formats: Faktoren der Handlungskonstitution und -zuschreibung am Beispiel von soll ich…? [On the multifunctionality of social action formats: Factors affecting action formation and ascription on the example of soll ich…? ‚should I…?‘]. Invited talk in the Series of talks on Intersubjectivity, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (online). 
  • 26/03/2021   Intersubjektivitätssicherung und Inferenzzurückweisung: Funktionen der Responsivpartikel doch im gesprochenen Deutsch. Talk presented at the 22. Arbeitstagung zur Gesprächsforschung 2021. IDS Mannheim (online).  
  • 17/03/2021   (together with Barbara Fox und Chase Whesley Raymond): What to do next: Comparing 'should I' and 'do you want me to' in joint activities in American English. Invited talk at the International Symposium ‘Perspectives of Interactional Linguistic Research: basic and applied’, Potsdam (online).
  • 02/03/2021   Linguistic resources for social action in interaction. Invited talk in the course 'Interactional Linguistics'. Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Jakob Steensig, University of Aarhus (online).
  • 2021/22   Variations in the distribution of benefits in offers and suggestions: The case of social action formats ich kann X (‘I can do X’) and du kannst X (‘you can do X’) in spoken German. Planned talk at the Rutgers international symposium on conversation analysis 2020, New Brunswick, NJ, USA (accepted for 06/20 and postponed due to COVID).
  • 30/09/2020   (together with Arnulf Deppermann): Cross-linguistic comparison of embodied conduct in rfc-sequences: Observations, problems and methodological reflections. Invited talk at the 3rd meeting of the DFG-scientific network Interactional Linguistics, 30.09-02.10.2020, Freiburg. 
  • 2/07/2020   Orienting to other’s problems: Two social action formats for offering assistance in spoken German. Talk presented at the ECCA 2020 – European Conference on Conversation Analysis (online).
  • 28/10/2019   Handlungskonstitution und Aufforderungsformate im gesprochenen Deutsch [Action formation and linguistic formats for requests in spoken German]. Data session and invited talk in the course ‘The Grammar of Cooperation: Getting Others to Do Things’, University of Waterloo, Canada. Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Emma Betz, Dr. Silke Reineke.
  • 18/09/2019   Magst du X machen? Kannst du X machen? oder Machst du X? – Zur Kontextsensitivität der Wahl von Aufforderungsformaten im Deutschen [Magst du X machen? Kannst du X machen? oder Machst du X? – On the context sensitivity of the use of request practices in German]. Talk presented at the GAL-Sektionentagung 2019, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.
  • 16/03/2019  Modalverbkonstruktionen als social action formats im gesprochenen Deutsch [Modal verb constructions as social action formats in spoken German]. Talk presented at the Linguistic conference for Ph.D. students (STaPs) 2019, Hannover, Germany.
  • 25/05/2018   (together with Johannes Gerwien): Genusrepräsentation und -verarbeitung bei Russisch-Deutschen Bilingualen [Gender representation and processing in Russian-German bilinguals]. Talk presented at the ISBPAC-TU 2018, Braunschweig, Germany.
  • 07/09/2017   (together with Johannes Gerwien): Gender representation and processing in Russian-German bilinguals. Poster presented at the 23rd AMLaP-Conference, Lancaster, UK.

Other research and organizational activities: 

  • 29/06/2023  Co-organizer of the panel Embodiment in action formation and ascription at the International Conference on Conversation Analysis (ICCA23), Brisbane, Australien (togehter with Arnulf Deppermann).
  • 08/2020-now: Co-editor and co-founder of Encyclopedia for Conversation Analysis and Interactional Linguistics (together with Elliott Hoey and Chase Raymond).
  • 2021  Co-Organizer of the online Series of Talks on Action Formation and Action Ascription (together with Arnulf Deppermann and Barbara A. Fox)
  • 2022  Co-Organizer of the International Summer Institute for Interactional Linguistics, 18.-23.07.22 (together with Arnulf Deppermann).
  • 2022  Co-Organizer of the Symposium on Action Formation and Action Ascription, 26.-28/07/22 (together with Arnulf Deppermann and Barbara A. Fox)
  • 04/2017-03/2018  Research project "Focus on economy: Teaching of the course 'Oriention to career and university studies' in preparatory classes for refugees at schools" (PLACE Fellowship for students for research, Heidelberg University).