Dr. Fabian Brackhane
Researcher in the Pragmatics Department (till December 2021)
Phonetic annotations and analyses in the project "Gesprochenes Deutsch" (Spoken German)
- Since 2016: Researcher in the Pragmatics Department in the project "Gesprochenes Deutsch (Spoken German)"
- 2015: PhD on the history and influence of early mechanical speech synthesis devices at Saarland University, Saarbruecken.
- 2012-2016: Researcher at the Grammar Depatment in the project „Wortphonologie (Word Phonology)“
- 2012: Researcher at the Pragmatics Department in the project "Gesprochenes Deutsch (Spoken German)“
- 2009-2012: Research assistant in the Pragmatics Department in the project "Gesprochenes Deutsch (Spoken German)"
- 2009: Master in Phonetics, Information Science and Musicology
- Board Member of the Special Interest Group on "The History of Speech Communication Research" (SIG-Hist)