German-Portuguese Comparative Grammar: Connectives
Object and objectives
Object and objectives
This project studies the syntax and semantics of connectives in German and Portuguese (with the emphasis on Brazilian Portuguese).
Connectives form a semantic class defined by the function of linking clauses. They include such units as wenn [‘when’ / ‘if’], oder [‘or’], vorher [‘before’] oder nämlich [‘namely’] in German and se [‘if’], ou [‘or’], antes [‘before’] or pois [‘for’ / ‘namely’] in Portuguese.
From a semantic point of view the links established by means of connectives can be subdivided into three main groups (cf. Sweetser 1990):
(i) connections between states of affairs (temporal objects),
(ii) connections between propositions (objects to which truth values or values of desirability can be assigned),
(iii) connections between speech acts (illocutionary objects).
The connections in (i) will be referred to as temporal connections, those in (ii) as epistemic/deontic connections, and those in (iii) as illocutionary connections.
Within each of these groups the further distinction is made between four types of connection:
(a) symmetrical connections,
(b) asymmetric-static connections,
(c) asymmetric-dynamic connections with an open result,
(d) asymmetric-dynamic connections with a fixed result.
The connections in (a) will be referred to as similarity connections, those in (b) as situating connections, those in (c) as conditional connections and those in (d) as causal connections.
Combining the two classifications yields the following semantic typology of connections (cf. Blühdorn 2003, 2008, 2010):
(i.a): temporal similarity |
(ii.a): epistemic/deontic similarity |
(iii.a): illocutionary similarity |
(i.b): temporal situating |
(ii.b): epistemic/deontic situating |
(iii.b): illocutionary situating |
(i.c): temporal condition |
(ii.c): epistemic/deontic condition |
(iii.c): illocutionary condition |
(i.d): temporal cause |
(ii.d): epistemic/deontic cause |
(iii.d): illocutionary cause |
Both in German and Portuguese, connections of these different classes can be established by morphosyntactic and lexical means.
Morphosyntactic means of connection comprise, e.g., participle and gerund constructions (especially in Portuguese, less so in German) and case constructions with an adverbial function (only in German; mostly lexicalised as fixed expressions such as eines Tages [‘one day’], den ganzen Abend [‘the whole evening’], meines Erachtens [‘in my opinion’], meines Wissens [‘as far as I know’] etc.). Lexical means of connection (connectives) comprise prepositions, subordinating and coordinating conjunctions, linking adverbs as well as some classes of adverbial particles:
Prepositions and conjunctions establish syntactic connections between phrases and/or clauses. Adverbial connectives establish referential connections; syntactically they are constituents of one of the connected expressions.
The results of the project will be published in a monograph on the syntax and semantics of connectives in German and Portuguese.
Targeted users
The project is addressed to specialists in German, Romance or General Linguistics: syntacticians, semanticists, text linguists and lexicographers. Language teachers (of German and/or Portuguese as native or foreign languages) and the general reader interested in languages and linguistics may also benefit from some of the results.
Theoretical framework
With regard to the German language the description is mainly based on Zifonun, Hoffmann, Strecker et al. (1997), Pasch, Brauße, Breindl & Waßner (2003), Blühdorn, Breindl & Waßner (2004) as well as Breindl, Volodina & Waßner (2014). For Portuguese the main reference works are Gärtner (1998), Bechara (1999), Neves (1999), Neves (2000) as well as the handbook Gramática do Português Culto Falado no Brasil [Grammar of Standard Portuguese Spoken in Brazil] (2006, 2008, 2009). The comparison of German and Portuguese is modelled on Blühdorn (2001), Ravetto & Blühdorn (2011), Blühdorn (2012) and Blühdorn & Ravetto (2014).
Data and methods
The project aims at a descriptive, object-oriented account of the grammar of connectives in the compared languages which can be used for further studies within different theoretical frameworks.
German data are taken from the IDS corpora, Portuguese data from the NURC corpus (Norma Urbana Culta: Standard Language of the Urban Middle Classes), compiled by researchers from several Brazilian universities, as well as from the COMET corpus (Corpus Multilíngue para Ensino e Tradução: Multilingual Corpus for Language Teaching and Translation), created by researchers at the University of São Paulo (USP). Whenever the empirical basis needs further strengthening, data will be taken from the Internet through freely accessible search tools like "Google".
The project cooperates with researchers of the Modern Languages Department (Departamento de Letras Modernas) and the Department of Classical and Vernacular Languages (Departamento de Letras Clássicas e Vernáculas) of the University of São Paulo (Brazil) as well as of the Department of Humanities (Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici) of the University of Eastern Piemonte at Vercelli and of the Department of Philology, Literature and Linguistics (Dipartimento di Filologia, Letteratura e Linguistica) of the University of Pisa (Italy).
Researchers in the field of connectives in German and Portuguese-speaking countries are welcome to contact the project team.
Supervision of dissertations and theses
Gutz Inglez, Karin (2007). Conectores de causa e condição em fóruns de discussão na internet [Causal and Conditional Connectives in Discussion Groups on the Internet]. Doctoral thesis. Departamento de Letras Clássicas e Vernáculas, University of São Paulo, Brazil (in collaboration with Prof Dr Maria Lúcia da Cunha Victório de Oliveira Andrade).
Project team
Hardarik Blühdorn (project coordinator)
Martina Richter (student assistant from 02/2014 to 08/2015)
Canan Sertkaya (student assistant from 11/2015 to 04/2017)
Júlio Junqueira (student assistant since 06/2017)
- Bechara, Evanildo (1999). Moderna Gramática Portuguesa. 37th ed., Rio de Janeiro, Lucerna. [back]
- Blühdorn, Hardarik (2001). A codificação de informação espacial no Alemão e no Português do Brasil. Adposições e advérbios como meios para especificar relações estáticas [Encoding spatial relations in German and Brazilian Portuguese. Adpositions and adverbs as means for specifying static relations]. São Paulo, Humanitas FFLCH/USP, FAPESP. [back]
- Blühdorn, Hardarik (2003). "Zur Semantik der Konjunktion als. Paradigmatische und syntagmatische Aspekte". In: Hentschel, Elke (ed.) (2003). Particulae Collectae. Festschrift für Harald Weydt zum 65. Geburtstag. Linguistik online 13, p. 11-53. [back]
- Blühdorn, Hardarik (2008). "Syntax und Semantik der Konnektoren: Ein Überblick". Mannheim, Institut für Deutsche Sprache, manuscript. [back]
- Blühdorn, Hardarik (2010). "A semantic typology of sentence connectives". In: Harden, Theo & Elke Hentschel (eds.) (2010). 40 Jahre Partikelforschung. Tübingen, Stauffenburg, p. 215-231. [back]
- Blühdorn, Hardarik (2012). "Zur Syntax adverbialer Satzverknüpfungen: Deutsch – Italienisch – Portugiesisch". In: Gunkel, Lutz & Gisela Zifonun (eds.) (2012). Deutsch im Sprachvergleich. Grammatische Kontraste und Konvergenzen. Berlin, de Gruyter, p. 301-332. [back]
- Blühdorn, Hardarik, Eva Breindl & Ulrich H. Waßner (eds.) (2004). Brücken schlagen. Grundlagen der Konnektorensemantik. Berlin, de Gruyter. [back]
- Blühdorn, Hardarik & Miriam Ravetto (2014). "Satzstruktur und adverbiale Subordination. Eine Studie zum Deutschen und zum Italienischen". In: Linguistik online 67, 2014, p. 3-44. [back]
- Breindl, Eva, Anna Volodina & Ulrich H. Waßner (2014). Handbuch der deutschen Konnektoren 2. Semantik der deutschen Satzverknüpfer. 2 vols., Berlin, de Gruyter. [back]
- Gärtner, Eberhard (1998). Grammatik der portugiesischen Sprache. Tübingen, Niemeyer. [back]
- Gramática do Português Culto Falado no Brasil. Vol. 1: Construção do Texto Falado (edited by Clélia Cândida Abreu Spinardi Jubran and Ingedore Grunfeld Villaça Koch). Campinas, Editora da Unicamp, 2006. Vol. 2: Classes de Palavras e Processos de Construção (edited by Rodolfo Ilari and Maria Helena de Moura Neves). Campinas, Editora da Unicamp, 2008. Vol. 3: A Construção da Sentença (edited by Mary A. Kato and Milton do Nascimento). Campinas, Editora da Unicamp, 2009. [back]
- Neves, Maria Helena de Moura (ed.) (1999). Gramática do Português Falado. Vol. VII: Novos estudos. São Paulo/Campinas, Humanitas/Editora da Unicamp. [back]
- Neves, Maria Helena de Moura (2000). Gramática de usos do português. São Paulo, Editora UNESP. [back]
- Pasch, Renate, Ursula Brauße, Eva Breindl & Ulrich H. Waßner (2003). Handbuch der deutschen Konnektoren. Linguistische Grundlagen der Beschreibung und syntaktische Merkmale der deutschen Satzverknüpfer. Berlin, de Gruyter. [back]
- Ravetto, Miriam & Hardarik Blühdorn (2011). "Die Kausalkonjunktionen denn, weil, da im Deutschen und perché, poiché, siccome im Italienischen". In: Ferraresi, Gisella (ed.) (2011). Konnektoren im Deutschen und im Sprachvergleich. Beschreibung und grammatische Analyse. Tübingen, Narr, p. 207-250. [back]
- Sweetser, Eve (1990). From etymology to pragmatics. Metaphorical and cultural aspects of semantic structure. Cambridge, University Press. [back]
- Zifonun, Gisela, Ludger Hoffmann, Bruno Strecker et al. (1997). Grammatik der deutschen Sprache. 3 vols., Berlin, de Gruyter. [back]
- Blühdorn, Hardarik (2002). "Zur Negation im Deutschen und im Portugiesischen: nicht und kein, não und nenhum". In: Runa. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Germanísticos 29, 2001-2002, p. 267-296.
- Blühdorn, Hardarik & Jürgen Schmidt-Radefeldt (eds.) (2003). Die kleineren Wortarten im Sprachvergleich Deutsch – Portugiesisch. Frankfurt/Main, Peter Lang.
- Blühdorn, Hardarik (2003). "Die Raumadverbien hier, da und dort und ihre Entsprechungen im brasilianischen Portugiesisch". In: Blühdorn & Schmidt-Radefeldt (eds.) (2003), p. 47-71.
- Blühdorn, Hardarik (2003). "Zur Semantik der Konjunktion als. Paradigmatische und syntagmatische Aspekte". In: Hentschel, Elke (ed.) (2003). Particulae Collectae. Festschrift für Harald Weydt zum 65. Geburtstag. Linguistik online 13, p. 11-53.
- Blühdorn, Hardarik (2004). "Semantische Flexibilität bei Temporalkonjunktionen. Am Beispiel von nachdem und bevor". In: Pohl, Inge & Klaus-Peter Konerding (eds.) (2004). Stabilität und Flexibilität in der Semantik. Strukturelle, kognitive, pragmatische und historische Perspektiven. Frankfurt/Main, Peter Lang, p. 151-169.
- Blühdorn, Hardarik, Eva Breindl & Ulrich Hermann Waßner (eds.) (2004). Brücken schlagen. Grundlagen der Konnektorensemantik. Berlin, de Gruyter.
- Blühdorn, Hardarik (2004). "Temporalkonnektoren: Einleitung". In: Blühdorn, Breindl & Waßner (eds.) (2004), p. 125-136.
- Blühdorn, Hardarik (2004). "Die Konjunktionen nachdem und bevor". In: Blühdorn, Breindl & Waßner (eds.) (2004), p. 185-211.
- Blühdorn, Hardarik (2005). "Forschungsstand und Perspektiven der kontrastiven Linguistik Portugiesisch-Deutsch". In: Blickwechsel. Akten des XI. Lateinamerikanischen Germanistenkongresses. São Paulo, Paraty, Petrópolis 2003. Vol. 3, edited by Eliana Fischer, Eva Glenk & Selma Meireles. São Paulo, Edusp/Monferrer Produções, 2005, p. 155-160.
- Blühdorn, Hardarik (2005). "Da, weil und denn – como, porque und pois. Kausale und begründende Konnektoren im Deutschen und Portugiesischen". In: Blickwechsel. Akten des XI. Lateinamerikanischen Germanistenkongresses. São Paulo, Paraty, Petrópolis 2003. Vol. 3, edited by Eliana Fischer, Eva Glenk & Selma Meireles. São Paulo, Edusp/Monferrer Produções, 2005, p. 161-167.
- Blühdorn, Hardarik (2005). "Quando, wenn und als. Temporale Konjunktionen im Portugiesischen und im Deutschen". In: Blickwechsel. Akten des XI. Lateinamerikanischen Germanistenkongresses. São Paulo, Paraty, Petrópolis 2003. Vol. 3, edited by Eliana Fischer, Eva Glenk & Selma Meireles. São Paulo, Edusp/Monferrer Produções, 2005, p. 168-173.
- Blühdorn, Hardarik (2005). "Zur Semantik kausaler Satzverbindungen: Integration, Fokussierung, Definitheit und modale Umgebung". In: Studi Linguistici e Filologici Online. Rivista Telematica del Dipartimento di Linguistica dell'Università di Pisa (SLiFO) 3.2, 2005, p. 311-338.
- Blühdorn, Hardarik (2006). "Kausale Satzverknüpfungen im Deutschen". In: Pandaemonium Germanicum. Revista de Estudos Germanísticos 10, 2006, p. 253-282.
- Blühdorn, Hardarik & Nadežda A. Golubeva (2007). "Konzessivkonnektoren und ihre morphologischen Bestandteile im Deutschen und im Russischen". In: Das Wort. Germanistisches Jahrbuch Russland 23, 2007, p. 77-100.
- Blühdorn, Hardarik (2008). "Subordination and coordination in syntax, semantics and discourse. Evidence from the study of connectives". In: Fabricius-Hansen, Cathrine & Wiebke Ramm (eds.) (2008). 'Subordination' versus 'coordination' in sentence and text. A cross-linguistic perspective. Amsterdam, Benjamins, p. 59-85.
- Blühdorn, Hardarik (2008). "Epistemische Lesarten von Satzkonnektoren – Wie sie zustande kommen und wie man sie erkennt". In: Pohl, Inge (ed.) (2008). Semantik und Pragmatik – Schnittstellen. Frankfurt/Main, Peter Lang, p. 217-251.
- Blühdorn, Hardarik (2008). "Syntax und Semantik der Konnektoren: Ein Überblick". Mannheim, Institut für Deutsche Sprache, manuscript.
- Blühdorn, Hardarik (2008). "On the syntax and semantics of sentence connectives". Mannheim, Institut für Deutsche Sprache, manuscript.
- Blühdorn, Hardarik (2010). "Semantische Unterbestimmtheit bei Konnektoren". In: Pohl, Inge (ed.) (2010). Semantische Unbestimmtheit im Lexikon. Frankfurt/Main, Peter Lang, p. 205-221.
- Blühdorn, Hardarik (2010). "A semantic typology of sentence connectives". In: Harden, Theo & Elke Hentschel (eds.) (2010). 40 Jahre Partikelforschung. Tübingen, Stauffenburg, p. 215-231.
- Blühdorn, Hardarik & Tinka Reichmann (2010). "Modal readings of sentence connectives in German und Portuguese". In: Becker, Martin G. & Eva-Maria Remberger (eds.) (2010). Modality and Mood in Romance. Modal interpretation, mood selection, and mood alternation. Berlin, de Gruyter, p. 15-38.
- Blühdorn, Hardarik (2011). "Informationsstrukturelle Gestaltung von Satzverknüpfungen: Wie interagieren Konnektoren und Prosodie?" In: Breindl, Eva, Gisella Ferraresi & Anna Volodina (eds.) (2011). Satzverknüpfungen. Zur Interaktion von Form, Bedeutung und Diskursfunktion. Berlin, de Gruyter, p. 263-295.
- Ravetto, Miriam & Hardarik Blühdorn (2011). "Die Kausalkonjunktionen denn, weil, da im Deutschen und perché, poiché, siccome im Italienischen". In: Ferraresi, Gisella (ed.) (2011). Konnektoren im Deutschen und im Sprachvergleich. Beschreibung und grammatische Analyse. Tübingen, Narr, p. 207-250.
- Blühdorn, Hardarik (2011). "Assim, aí, então: A interpretação de advérbios semanticamente sub-especificados no âmbito do texto" [Assim, aí, então: The interpretation of semantically underspecified adverbs on the level of the text]. Mannheim, Institut für Deutsche Sprache, manuscript.
- Blühdorn, Hardarik & Miriam Ravetto (2012). "Die Subjunktoren während und mentre". In: Cinato, Lucia, Marcella Costa, Donatella Ponti & Miriam Ravetto (eds.) (2012). Intrecci di lingua e cultura. Studi in onore di Sandra Bosco Coletsos. Roma, Aracne, p. 43-64.
- Blühdorn, Hardarik (2012). "Verknüpfungseigenschaften von Satzkonnektoren im Deutschen. Am Beispiel der Kausal- und Konsekutivkonnektoren". In: Deutsche Sprache 40, 2012, p. 193-220.
- Blühdorn, Hardarik (2012). "Zur Syntax adverbialer Satzverknüpfungen: Deutsch – Italienisch – Portugiesisch". In: Gunkel, Lutz & Gisela Zifonun (eds.) (2012). Deutsch im Sprachvergleich. Grammatische Kontraste und Konvergenzen. Berlin, de Gruyter, p. 301-332.
- Blühdorn, Hardarik & Tinka Reichmann (2013). "Adverbiale Satzverknüpfungen im Portugiesischen und Deutschen: Schnittstellen zwischen Syntax, Semantik und Diskurs". In: Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie 129, 2013, p. 702-721.
- Blühdorn, Hardarik (2013). "Syntaktische Nebensatzklassen im Deutschen". In: Pandaemonium Germanicum. Revista de Estudos Germanísticos 21, 2013, p. 149-189.
- Blühdorn, Hardarik & Miriam Ravetto (2014). "Satzstruktur und adverbiale Subordination. Eine Studie zum Deutschen und zum Italienischen". In: Linguistik online 67, 2014, p. 3-44.
- Blühdorn, Hardarik (2014). "Wo stehen Adverbialia im Satz? Deutsch und brasilianisches Portugiesisch im Vergleich". In: Pandaemonium Germanicum. Revista de Estudos Germanísticos 24, 2014, p. 110-153.
- Ravetto, Miriam & Hardarik Blühdorn (2016). "Der Begriff des Postponierers im Licht von Sprachvergleichsdaten Deutsch-Italienisch". In: Deutsche Sprache 44, 2016, p. 123-148.
Illustrations by Clara Steckel.
Translated into English by Cheryl Lobb de Rahman and Tinka Reichmann.